Seth is a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose jokes involve events in the news; married life; kids; exciting topics and everyday occurrences. The comprehensive assortment of jokes let everyone in the audience to have a fun night! See Seth's entire biography.
This page is a detailed estimation of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in Kelly, WY.
These are routine travel expenses and may be higher or lower than estimated.
$92 - $179
Rental Car
$47.50 - $149.61
(Above cost reflect the rental car payment, plus mileage and likely amount of gas needed.)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Salt Lake City International)
$365.00 - $468.00
Total Estimated
$504.50 - $796.61
This guestimated expense assumes: * This guestimated expense assumes a current gas price of $2.329. * All travel estimation fees assume a routine event in one day & a two day trip. * The listed travel costs are only guesstimates and may differ determinate on dates and time of travel.
This estimated expense is also valid for the 83011 zip code and most of Teton County.