Seth Knorr is a family-friendly stand-up comedian whose jokes consist of news related events; relationships; parenting kids; fascinating topics and routine occurrences. The varied spectrum of jokes enable everyone attending to have an enjoyable experience! Read entire biography.
Here is a calculation of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in Byron, WY.
These are standard travel costs and may be higher or lower than projected.
$76.00 - $129.20
Rental Car
$57.32 - $134.70
(Above rental fee denote the rental charge, plus mileage and estimated gas usage.)
Plane Ride (Frontier to Salt Lake City International)
$365.00 - $468.00
Total Estimation
$498.32 - $731.90
This estimated charge assumes:
** This estimated charge assumes a local gas price of $2.21.
** All estimation of travel expenditures assume a normal function in one day with a two day trip.
** The following listed travel costs are only guesstimates and may vary determined by travel dates.
** If possible, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on expenditures.
This estimation is accurate for the 82412 zip code and much of Big Horn County.