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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Tripoli, Wisconsin

Seth's a family-friendly stand-up comedian with subject mater that consists of events in the news; relationships; raising kids; unusual topics and everyday occurrences. The extensive assortment of subject mater lets everybody present to have a delightful time! See Seth's entire biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Tripoli, WI by filling out the engagement submission page.

Estimation of current travel charges which are customary to neighboring cities & towns in the vicinity of Tripoli, WI:

This is a detailed estimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Tripoli, WI. These are usual travel fees and may be higher or lower than projected.

Accommodations$94.00 - $119.00
Car$63.41 - $131.89
(Above rental cost represent the sum of the rental car price, plus mileage and gas needed.)
Airfare (Frontier to Chicago O'Hare International)$190.00 - $589.00
Total Projected$347.41 - $839.89

This guestimated expense assumes:
* This guestimated expense references a local gas price per gallon at $2.32.
* Calculated travel rates assume a usual performance in 1 day & a 2 day trip.
* The following travel rates will vary based on time of year.

This projected expense is also correct for the 54564 zip code and much of Spirit Falls and Oneida County.

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