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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Coon Valley, Wisconsin

Seth Knorr's a Christian stand-up comedian with material which involves current noteworthy events; marriage; kids; unique topics and everyday life. The varied range of material lets the audience to have a great night! Read Seth's complete biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Coon Valley, WI with this engagement estimation page.

Calculate current travel charges which are customary in neighboring towns/cities in the vicinity of Coon Valley, WI:

Here is an itemized projection of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Coon Valley, WI. These are normal travel costs and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel (Generally Courtyard La Crosse Downtown/Mississippi Riverfront)$124.00 - $186.00
Car Rental$55.13 - $99.23
(The above listed rental car cost reflect the sum of the rental fee, plus mileage and gas.)
Plane Trip (American to Lambert-St Louis International)$67.00 - $328.00
Total Projected$246.13 - $613.23

This guestimated expense assumes:
** This guestimated expense assumes a local gas price of $2.32.
** All travel calculation of expenditures assume a usual event with one overnight stay.
** Travel rates will change depending on the travel date.
** Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out on the same day to save on costs.

This projected expense is also valid for the 54623 zip code and much of Vernon County.

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