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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Manchester, Washington

Seth's a Christian, family-friendly, comedian whose jokes entail current happenings; relationships; raising kids; wacky topics and daily life occurrences. The extensive variety of jokes let all in the audience to have a pleasurable experience! See Seth's full biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Manchester, WA through our engagement request form.

Estimate of current charges for travel that are customary to towns & cities closest to Manchester, WA:

Here is a projection of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in Manchester, WA. These are common travel fees and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Lodging (Generally Fairfield Inn Seattle Sea-Tac Airport)$81.00 - $169.00
Car Rental$59.58 - $148.94
(Rental car cost listed above denote the rental payment, plus mileage and gas needed)
Airfare (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Guestimation$207.58 - $698.94

This guestimated expense assumes:
** This guestimated expense references a current gas price of $2.78.
** Travel expense guesstimations assume a usual function in 1 day and a 2 day trip.
** Travel fees can change contingent on the time of year.
** When possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on expenditures.

This guestimation is also valid for the 98353 zip code and much of Kitsap County.

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