Seth's a clean, family-friendly, standup comedian with subject mater including news related events; relationships; babies; bizarre topics and routine occurrences. The wide spectrum of subject mater lets all in attendance to have a fun time! Read Seth's full biography.
Here is a detailed estimation of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Eagle Mountain, UT.
These are common travel rates and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
Lodging (Generally TownePlace Suites Provo Orem)
$79.00 - $889
Rental Car
$57.81 - $147.41
(Above car cost denote the sum of the rental charge, plus mileage and estimated amount of gas needed.)
Plane (Southwest to McCarran International)
$256.00 - $372.00
Total Estimation
$392.81 - $1,408.41
This estimated charge assumes: ** This estimated charge assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.32. ** Calculations of travel charges assume a routine event with one overnight stay. ** All expenditures are only projections and may vary determinate on dates and time of travel. ** If possible, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on expenses.
This estimation is correct for the zip code and much of Eagle Mountain and Utah County.