Seth's a Christian standup comedian whose themes entail current happenings; married life; children; unique topics and normal life experiences. The comprehensive range of themes let the audience to have an enjoyable night! View Seth's full bio.
There's a featured stand-up comedian that works clean who is living in Hunt County. To Obtain an expense estimate from the Clean & Funny Comedy Agency, fill out this engagement estimation form. The representation of local comedians allows the agency to save you money versus the travel expenses quoted below.
This page is a calculation of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in Wolfe City, TX.
These are usual travel charges and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$79.00 - $160
$31.72 - $70.10
(Rental car fee listed above reflect a combination of the rental car payment, plus mileage and gas usage)
Plane Ride (American to Dallas/Fort Worth International)
$215.00 - $423.00
Total Projection
$325.72 - $653.10
This guestimated expense assumes: * This guestimated expense assumes a local gas price of $2.01. * Forecasted travel rates assume a routine function with one overnight stay. * All travel expenses will vary determined by travel dates.
This projection is good for the 75496 zip code and the majority of Hunt County.