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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Whitehouse, Texas

Seth Knorr is a Christian, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose themes contain current events; married life; babies; whacky topics and daily occurrences. The comprehensive assortment of themes allow everybody in attendance to have a great night! See full bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Whitehouse, TX through this show estimation form.

Calculation of customary expenditures for travel in cities & towns in the neighborhood of Whitehouse, TX:
* Arp, TX
* Price, TX
* Selman City, TX
* Winona, TX
* Joinerville, TX
* New London, TX
* Laird Hill, TX
* New Summerfield, TX
* Reklaw, TX
* Troup, TX

Obtain an expense estimate from the Clean and Funny Booking Agency for a featured comedian that is located in Smith County by filling out this show estimation form. This agency represents comedians local to Whitehouse, TX, which can save money on the travel expenses quoted below.

This page gives a detailed guestimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Whitehouse, TX. These are standard travel rates and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Hotel (Generally Fairfield Inn & Suites Tyler)$93.00 - $124.00
Car$50.54 - $85.41
(The above rental car cost embody the rental fee, plus miles and gas usage.)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Memphis International)$170.00 - $345.00
Total Projection$313.54 - $554.41

This projection assumes:
* This projection assumes a local gas price of $2.04.
* All calculation of travel fees assume a routine function with one overnight stay.
* Travel fees will fluctuate dependent upon the time of year.

This projection is also good for the 75791 zip code and the majority of Smith County.

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