Seth Knorr's a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose jokes center on events in the news; relationships; children; off-the-wall topics and routine life occurrences. The varied array of jokes allow the audience to have a great experience! Read whole bio.
There is a featured Christian comedian who's living in Grayson County. To Get a quote of costs from Clean & Funny Booking, fill out this engagement request page. The agencies estimate on travel charges will be a cost savings in comparison to the below travel estimate to have Seth perform, because the agencies comedian will be local.
This page is a detailed guestimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Tioga, TX.
These are standard travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.
$92 - $239.00
$28.69 - $73.74
(The above listed cost reflect the sum of the rental car rate, plus miles and expected gas usage.)
Airfare (American to Dallas/Fort Worth International)
$215.00 - $423.00
Total Guestimated
$335.69 - $735.74
This guestimation assumes: ** This guestimation references a current gas price per gallon at $2.059. ** Calculated travel costs assume a standard function with one overnight stay. ** Travel charges vary dependent upon the travel season. ** Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out the same day to save on expenditures.
This guestimated expenditure is accurate for the 76271 zip code and most of Grayson County.