Find a Christian comedian in Herrick, South Dakota
Seth Knorr is a Christian, clean, family-friendly, comedian whose jokes involve events in the news; marriage; kids; interesting topics and daily experiences. The extensive range of jokes enable everybody to have a fun time! See full bio.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Herrick, SD with this show quote page.
Projection of expenses for travel that are customary in neighboring cities & towns right next to Herrick, SD:
This is a detailed estimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Herrick, SD.
These are average travel costs and may be higher or lower than estimated.
$94.00 - $159.80
Rental Car
$52.81 - $88.19
(The above rental fee represent the rental payment, plus mileage and probable gas usage.)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain)
$210.00 - $425.00
Total Estimated
$356.81 - $672.99
This guestimated expense assumes: ** This guestimated expense assumes a local gas price of $2.709. ** Guesstimations of travel fees assume a standard performance with one overnight stay. ** Travel expenses can change contingent on the time of year. ** Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out the same day to save on costs.
This estimated expense is good for the 57538 zip code and most of Gregory County.