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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Melville, New York

Seth is a Christian, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose themes involve current events; married life; raising kids; off-the-wall topics and everyday life incidents. The wide range of themes allow all to have a great time! Seth's full biography may be read here.

Seth has family who live on Long Island which lets him decrease or waive his travel costs for bookings that are scheduled in advance.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Melville, New York through this event submission page.

The regular travel costs to book a clean comedian in Melville, NY, including gas is $33.75.The mileage charge references a price for gas at $2.349.

This estimation is accurate for the following zip codes 11747 and 11775 and most of Huntington Station and Suffolk County.

Forecast travel expenses which are customary for neighboring towns/cities right next to Melville, NY:
Page last modfied October 25, 2015.

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