Find a Christian comedian in Lovington, New Mexico
Seth Knorr is a Christian, clean, family-friendly, comedian with material which includes news related events; marriage; babies; interesting topics and daily life experiences. The extensive array of material lets everyone to have a great time! View Seth's full biography.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Lovington, NM by filling out the event request form.
Estimation of travel expenses which are customary in neighboring towns & cities a short distance from Lovington, NM:
There's a comedian that works clean that is located in Lea County. To Get a quote of costs from Clean & Funny Booking, fill out this event request form. Since they represent comedians local to Lovington, NM, working with this agency can save money on the travel expenses estimated below.
This page is a itemized guestimation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Lovington, NM.
These are ordinary travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
Lodging (Generally Fairfield Inn & Suites Hobbs)
$101.00 - $215.00
Car Rental
$52.62 - $103.66
(Rental fee listed above represent a combination of the rental payment, plus mileage and gas)
Airfare (American to Dallas/Fort Worth International)
$215.00 - $423.00
Total Estimated
$368.62 - $741.66
This projection assumes: ** This projection assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.08. ** Calculations of travel costs assume a standard performance in 1 day & a 2 day trip. ** These travel fees will vary determinate on dates and time of travel. ** If possible, Seth will travel in and out the same day to save on costs.
This estimated cost is valid for the 88260 zip code and the majority of Buckeye and Lea County.