Seth Knorr's a clean stand-up comedian whose jokes include news related events; married life; raising kids; bizarre topics and common experiences. The varied range of jokes enable all in the audience to have a good night! See Seth's full biography.
This page is a itemized guestimation of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Paxton, NE.
These are common travel charges and may be higher or lower than estimated.
$59.00 - $109.00
Car Rental
$38.27 - $81.89
(Rental car fee listed above denote a combination of the rental car price, plus miles and expected gas usage)
Airfare (Frontier to Denver International)
$262.00 - $498.00
Total Guestimated
$359.27 - $688.89
This guestimated expense assumes: * This guestimated expense references a local gas price of $2.559. * Projected travel rates assume a routine two day trip. * Costs may vary determinate on dates and time of travel.
This guestimated expense is also valid for the 69155 zip code and the majority of Bucktail, Sarben, Thune and Keith County.