Seth's a clean standup comedian whose topics entail news related events; married life; toddlers; unusual topics and daily experiences. The extensive assortment of topics allow all to have a pleasurable night! Read whole biography.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Howells, NE with our booking page.
Current guesstimation of travel rates which are customary to neighboring towns & cities next to Howells, NE:
Below is a estimation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Howells, NE.
These are ordinary travel costs and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$101 - $151.50
Car Rental
$51.09 - $119.54
(Rental car cost above represent a combination of the rental car charge, plus miles and projected amount of gas needed)
Plane (Frontier to Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain)
$210.00 - $425.00
Total Guestimation
$362.09 - $696.04
This estimated charge assumes:
** This estimated charge references a local gas price of $2.71.
** Calculation of travel charges assume a usual event & 1 overnight stay.
** The following travel charges are only estimates and may differ based on time of year.
** When possible, Seth will travel in and out on the same day to save on expenses.
This guestimation is valid for the 68641 zip code and much of Stanton County.