Seth Knorr's a Christian, clean, standup comedian with material containing current happenings; marriage; raising kids; whacky topics and common experiences. The comprehensive variety of material enables everybody present to have a wonderful experience! Read full biography.
Below is a guestimated calculation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Elsmere, NE.
These are standard travel fees and may be higher or lower than projected.
$109 - $163.50
$49.93 - $116.84
(Above car fee represent a combination of the rental car payment, plus mileage and probable gas usage.)
Airfare (Frontier to Denver International)
$262.00 - $498.00
Total Projected
$420.93 - $778.34
This projected fee assumes:
* This projected fee assumes a local gas price per gallon at $2.67.
* Travel rates forecasted to assume a normal function in one day & a two day trip.
* Charges are only estimates and will differ determinate on dates and time of travel.
This projected fee is also correct for the 69135 zip code and much of Cherry County.