Seth's a Christian, family-friendly, standup comedian with subject mater that contains news related events; relationships; parenting; exciting topics and common occurrences. The comprehensive range of subject mater enables everyone to have an enjoyable experience! Read Seth's entire bio.
Here is a detailed estimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Culbertson, NE.
These are common travel charges and may be higher or lower than projected.
$109.00 - $163.50
Rental Car
$54.76 - $104.04
(Rental fee above embody the sum of the rental car price, plus miles and estimated gas usage)
Plane (Southwest to Kansas City International)
$304.00 - $350.00
Total Estimated
$467.76 - $617.54
This projected fee assumes: ** This projected fee assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.349. ** Travel charge estimations assume a regular performance in 1 day and a 2 day trip. ** The following travel charges are only estimates and will vary based on time of year.
This estimated fee is also accurate for the 69024 zip code and most of Red Willow County.