Find a Christian comedian in Dunn Center, North Dakota
Seth Knorr is a Christian, family-friendly, standup comedian whose topics contain current happenings; married life; children; unconventional topics and routine life occurrences. The comprehensive assortment of topics let all to have a delightful night! Whole biography can be viewed here.
This page is a estimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Dunn Center, ND.
These are customary travel expenses and may be higher or lower than projected.
$92 - $144
Rental Car
$67.20 - $113.56
(Above rental cost reflect the rental car rate, plus mileage and likely gas usage.)
Airfare (Frontier to Hector International)
$375.00 - $419.00
Total Guestimated
$534.20 - $676.56
This guestimation assumes: ** This guestimation assumes a local gas price of $2.299. ** All travel estimation costs assume a standard performance and one overnight stay. ** Expenditures are only guesstimates and may differ determined by travel dates.
This guestimated expenditure is valid for the 58626 zip code and the majority of Dunn County.