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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Brockway, Montana

Seth Knorr is a Christian, family-friendly, comedian with subject mater which focuses on events in the news; relationships; raising kids; whacky topics and common experiences. The comprehensive range of subject mater allows everybody present to have a great night! View full bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Brockway, MT through this engagement submission page.

Current estimation of travel expenditures which are customary for neighboring towns/cities a short distance from Brockway, MT:
  1. Fort Peck, MT
  2. Vida, MT
  3. Wolf Point, MT
  4. Bloomfield, MT
  5. Circle, MT
  6. Richey, MT
  7. Savage, MT
  8. Mildred, MT
  9. Kinsey, MT
  10. Angela, MT

This page is a itemized estimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Brockway, MT. These are usual travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.

Lodging$89.00 - $151.30
Car$65.17 - $114.04
(The above listed car fee reflect a combination of the rental charge, plus miles and estimated gas usage.)
Plane Ride (Frontier to Bismarck Municipal)$381.00 - $459.00
Total Estimated$535.17 - $724.34

This guestimation assumes:
** This guestimation assumes a local gas price of $2.29.
** Projected travel costs assume a routine two day trip.
** All fees are only projections and may change determined by travel dates.
** When possible, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on fees.

This estimated expenditure is also correct for the 59214 zip code and most of McCone County.

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