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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Collinsville, Mississippi

Seth Knorr is a family-friendly comedian with jokes consisting of news related events; marriage; children; unusual topics and routine experiences. The comprehensive variety of jokes allow everyone present to have an enjoyable experience! View whole biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Collinsville, MS with this show quotation form.

Current estimation of customary travel expenditures for towns/cities adjacent to Collinsville, MS:
* Bailey, MS
* Daleville, MS
* Philadelphia, MS
* Union, MS
* Little Rock, MS
* Chunky, MS
* Preston, MS
* Marion, MS
* Toomsuba, MS
* Noxapater, MS

A featured clean standup comedian resides in Lauderdale County. To get a free quote from Clean and Funny Comedy Booking, fill out this show quotation form. The representation of local comedians will allow this agency to save you money versus the travel charges quoted below.

Below is a detailed guestimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Collinsville, MS. These are common travel fees and may be higher or lower than projected.

Hotel$99.00 - $168.30
Rental Car$35.91 - $96.61
(Rental car cost listed above represent a combination of the rental rate, plus mileage and gas needed)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Memphis International)$170.00 - $345.00
Total Projected$304.91 - $609.91

This projection assumes:
* This projection references a current gas price of $2.06.
* All guesstimation of travel expenditures assume a regular event with one overnight stay.
* All fees are only projections and may differ based on time of year.
* Schedule permitting, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on costs.

This projected cost is valid for the 39325 zip code and the majority of Newton County.

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