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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Bailey, Mississippi

Seth's a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose themes cover current happenings; marriage; babies; whacky topics and routine life experiences. The wide range of themes let everyone to have a delightful night! Read Seth's entire bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Bailey, MS with our engagement request form.

Estimate of travel rates which are customary in towns and cities next to Bailey, MS:
  1. Collinsville, MS
  2. Daleville, MS
  3. Philadelphia, MS
  4. Union, MS
  5. Little Rock, MS
  6. Chunky, MS
  7. Preston, MS
  8. Marion, MS
  9. Toomsuba, MS
  10. Noxapater, MS

There's a featured stand-up comedian that works clean that's living in Lauderdale County. To Obtain a free expense estimate from the Clean & Funny Comedy Agency, fill out this engagement request form. This agency represents comedians local to Bailey, Mississippi, which may save money on the travel fees quoted below.

This page gives a detailed estimation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Bailey, MS. These are customary travel charges and may be higher or lower than projected.

Lodging$99.00 - $168.30
Rental Car$35.40 - $100.89
(The above fee represent a combination of the rental car payment, plus mileage and projected amount of gas needed.)
Plane (Frontier to Memphis International)$170.00 - $345.00
Total Guestimation$304.40 - $614.19

This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation references a current gas price per gallon at $1.989.
* All guesstimation of travel costs assume a normal performance in 1 day with a 2 day trip.
* The following expenditures will differ determined by travel dates.

This guestimation is also correct for the 39320 zip code and much of Lauderdale County.

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