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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Conran, Missouri

Seth's a Christian, clean, family-friendly, comedian whose themes consist of current events; married life; babies; strange topics and common life experiences. The wide variety of themes let everybody in the audience to have a pleasant night! See complete biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Conran, MO with our appearance request page.

Find customary expenditures for travel for cities/towns in the vicinity of Conran, MO:

Obtain an estimate from the Clean & Funny Comedy Agency for a featured clean standup comedian that lives a short distance from the Conran, Missouri vicinity by filling out this appearance request page. The amount estimated by the agency for a local comedian will be a cost savings compared to the travel expenditures estimated below.

This page is a detailed estimate of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Conran, MO. These are common travel fees and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Lodging$92 - $156.40
Car Rental$33.75 - $84.04
(Above rental car cost reflect the rental car charge, plus mileage and gas usage.)
Plane (American to Lambert-St Louis International)$67.00 - $328.00
Total Projection$192.75 - $568.44

This projection assumes:
* This projection assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.04.
* All travel guesstimation charges assume a usual function in 1 day with a 2 day trip.
* Expenditures will differ based on time of year.

This projection is also correct for the 63838 zip code.

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