Find a Christian comedian in Marine On Saint Croix, Minnesota
Seth Knorr is a Christian, family-friendly, comedian whose themes comprise of current noteworthy events; married life; parenting children; off-the-wall topics and everyday life incidents. The wide array of themes allow everybody in the audience to have a delightful night! See complete bio.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Marine On Saint Croix, MN through this booking page.
Current forecast of expenses for travel that are customary to neighboring cities & towns closest to Marine On Saint Croix, MN:
Obtain a free estimate of expenses from Clean & Funny Comedy Booking for a stand-up comedian who is located in Washington County by filling out this booking page. The representation of local comedians allows this agency to save you money versus the travel charges estimated below.
This page gives a detailed guestimation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Marine On Saint Croix, MN.
These are common travel charges and may be higher or lower than estimated.
Lodging (Generally Fairfield Inn Hudson)
$84.00 - $149.00
$70.19 - $114.41
(The above listed rental car cost reflect the rental price, plus miles and gas usage.)
Plane (Frontier to Chicago O'Hare International)
$190.00 - $589.00
Total Guestimation
$344.19 - $852.41
This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.26.
* Estimation of travel rates assume a standard event in one day & a two day trip.
* Travel rates can fluctuate dependent upon the travel date.
This guestimation is correct for the 55047 zip code and most of Marine, Marine On St Croix, New Scandia and Washington County.