Find a Christian comedian in Green Isle, Minnesota
Seth Knorr's a clean, family-friendly, comedian whose jokes comprise of news related events; marriage; children; eccentric topics and everyday life occurrences. The varied assortment of jokes let everybody attending to have a pleasant night! Complete biography may be seen here.
Get an estimate of costs from the Clean and Funny Comedy Booking Agency for a featured clean stand-up comedian who's residing in Sibley County by filling out this engagement request page. Working with this agency can save you money on travel expenditures quoted below because they represent local comedians.
This is a detailed guestimate of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Green Isle, MN.
These are customary travel charges and may be higher or lower than estimated.
$76.00 - $149.00
$72.72 - $152.71
(The above car cost represent the sum of the rental price, plus miles and gas.)
Airfare (Frontier to Chicago O'Hare International)
$190.00 - $589.00
Total Estimated
$338.72 - $890.71
This projection assumes:
* This projection assumes a local gas price of $2.26.
* Travel charge guesstimations assume a routine function in 1 day and a 2 day trip.
* All costs are only guesstimates and may differ determinate on dates and time of travel.
This estimated cost is also good for the 55338 zip code and most of Sibley County.