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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in White Lake, Michigan

Seth Knorr is a Christian, clean, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose topics involve events in the news; married life; children; off-the-wall topics and routine life experiences. The wide array of topics let everyone present to have a pleasurable experience! Seth's entire bio can be viewed here.

Hire a Christian Comedian in White Lake, MI with this engagement estimation page.

Calculation of customary expenses for travel to neighboring cities/towns next to White Lake, MI:
  1. Commerce Township, MI
  2. Walled Lake, MI
  3. Wixom, MI
  4. Highland, MI
  5. Waterford, MI
  6. Drayton Plains, MI
  7. Davisburg, MI
  8. Clarkston, MI
  9. Union Lake, MI
  10. Pontiac, MI

Below is a estimated calculation of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in White Lake, MI. These are normal travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel (Generally Fairfield Inn Detroit Auburn Hills)$69.00 - $189.00
Travel Fee (including gas)$52.95
Total Projection$121.95 - $241.95

This projected fee assumes:
** This projected fee assumes a current gas price of $2.29.
** Travel charge projections assume a regular performance with one overnight stay.
** Travel expenses may differ determined by travel dates.

This projection is accurate for the following zip codes 48383 and 48386 and the majority of Oakland County.

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