Seth's a family-friendly stand-up comedian with subject mater that covers events in the news; marriage; raising kids; unusual topics and everyday occurrences. The wide spectrum of subject mater lets everybody attending to have a good time! Whole bio can be read here.
This is a estimated calculation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Owendale, MI.
These are usual travel rates and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$94.00 - $129
Miles Traveled Expenditure
Total Projected
$151.60 - $186.60
This estimated charge assumes: * This estimated charge assumes a local gas price per gallon at $2.29. * Calculation of travel expenses assume a usual performance in one day with a two day trip. * The listed travel costs are only guesstimates and may vary based on time of year.
This projected charge is good for the 48754 zip code and much of Huron County.