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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Orleans, Michigan

Seth Knorr's a clean, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose themes include events in the news; relationships; parenting; unconventional topics and everyday life experiences. The wide variety of themes enable all to have a delightful experience! View whole biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Orleans, MI through this booking page.

Discover customary travel rates to towns and cities next to Orleans, MI:
  1. Belding, MI
  2. Palo, MI
  3. Greenville, MI
  4. Lyons, MI
  5. Smyrna, MI
  6. Fenwick, MI
  7. Ionia, MI
  8. Saranac, MI
  9. Sidney, MI
  10. Sheridan, MI

This page is a guestimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Orleans, MI. These are usual travel costs and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Lodging (Generally Residence Inn Grand Rapids Airport)$109.00 - $239.00
Standard Mileage Fee$66.00
Total Estimated$175.00 - $305.00

This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a current gas price of $2.299.
* Projected travel charges assume a normal event and one overnight stay.
* The listed travel rates may differ determinate on dates and time of travel.

This estimated expenditure is good for the 48865 zip code and much of Ionia County.

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