Seth Knorr is a Christian stand-up comedian with material which centers on news related events; relationships; parenting children; unusual topics and everyday experiences. The wide variety of material allows everybody to have a nice time! View Seth's full biography.
This page gives a detailed projection of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in North Star, MI.
These are usual travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$89.00 - $154.00
Mileage Charge
Total Projection
$152.00 - $217.00
This guestimated expense assumes:
** This guestimated expense references a current gas price of $2.29.
** All estimation of travel expenditures assume a usual event in one day with a two day trip.
** Travel charges will vary determinate on dates and time of travel.
This projection is also valid for the 48862 zip code.