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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Luzerne, Michigan

Seth's a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose jokes cover current happenings; married life; toddlers; fascinating topics and everyday life occurrences. The wide range of jokes allow everyone present to have a delightful night! View entire bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Luzerne, MI with this engagement estimation form.

Current estimate of expenditures for travel which are customary in towns & cities near Luzerne, MI:
  1. Saint Helen, MI
  2. Lewiston, MI
  3. Rose City, MI
  4. Fairview, MI
  5. Atlanta, MI
  6. Johannesburg, MI
  7. Lupton, MI
  8. Prescott, MI
  9. West Branch, MI
  10. Comins, MI

This page gives a detailed estimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Luzerne, MI. These are regular travel costs and may be higher or lower than projected.

Accommodations$94.00 - $159.80
Normal Mileage Fee$68.85
Total Projection$162.85 - $228.65

This guestimation assumes:
** This guestimation references a local gas price per gallon at $2.29.
** Travel cost calculations assume a standard performance and 1 overnight stay.
** Travel expenses will differ contingent on the travel season.

This projection is accurate for the 48636 zip code and much of Oscoda County.

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