Seth's a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose jokes cover current happenings; married life; toddlers; fascinating topics and everyday life occurrences. The wide range of jokes allow everyone present to have a delightful night! View entire bio.
This page gives a detailed estimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Luzerne, MI.
These are regular travel costs and may be higher or lower than projected.
$94.00 - $159.80
Normal Mileage Fee
Total Projection
$162.85 - $228.65
This guestimation assumes: ** This guestimation references a local gas price per gallon at $2.29. ** Travel cost calculations assume a standard performance and 1 overnight stay. ** Travel expenses will differ contingent on the travel season.
This projection is accurate for the 48636 zip code and much of Oscoda County.