Seth is a family-friendly stand-up comedian whose jokes consist of current events; married life; toddlers; unique topics and daily life experiences. The varied array of jokes enable the audience to have a great night! View whole bio.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Laingsburg, MI through our show request page.
Forecast of current customary rates for travel for cities/towns around Laingsburg, MI:
This is a detailed guestimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Laingsburg, MI.
These are standard travel rates and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
Hotel (Generally Fairfield Inn East Lansing)
$104.00 - $154.00
Standard Mileage Fee
Total Estimated
$163.85 - $213.85
This guestimation assumes: * This guestimation assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.29. * Travel fees are figured to assume a standard performance with 1 overnight stay. * Expenses are only guesstimates and may vary determinate on dates and time of travel.
This estimated expenditure is good for the 48848 zip code and the majority of Shiawassee County.