Find a Christian comedian in Comstock Park, Michigan
Seth Knorr is a clean, family-friendly, standup comedian with material which covers events in the news; marriage; toddlers; eccentric topics and daily life occurrences. The varied array of material lets everybody present to have an enjoyable night! View complete bio.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Comstock Park, MI by filling out the booking estimate page.
Estimate of current expenditures for travel that are customary to neighboring towns/cities in the vicinity of Comstock Park, MI:
Below is a guestimate of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Comstock Park, MI.
These are median travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$69.00 - $239.00
Standard Mileage Charge
Total Guestimated
$138.60 - $308.60
This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a local gas price of $2.29.
* All travel calculation rates assume a regular event in one day & a two day trip.
* Travel expenditures will vary determined by travel dates.
This guestimated expenditure is also accurate for the 49321 zip code and the majority of Kent County.