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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Deville, Louisiana

Seth Knorr is a clean standup comedian whose topics include current happenings; marriage; parenting children; whacky topics and daily life occurrences. The varied assortment of topics allow everyone present to have a wonderful experience! View full biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Deville, LA through this booking submission form.

Calculate customary charges for travel to neighboring cities/towns in the vicinity of Deville, LA:

There's a featured stand-up comedian that is living in Rapides Parish. To Receive an estimate of expenses from the Clean and Funny Comedy Agency, fill out this booking submission form. This agency represents comedians local to Deville, LA, which can save you money on the travel costs quoted below.

Below is an itemized projection of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Deville, LA. These are ordinary travel expenses and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Lodging$97 - $164.90
Car$46.27 - $137.89
(The above car cost denote the rental charge, plus miles and likely gas usage.)
Plane (Frontier to Memphis International)$170.00 - $345.00
Total Forcasted$313.27 - $647.79

This projection assumes:
** This projection assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.099.
** Travel expenses computed to assume a normal event in one day and a two day trip.
** Travel rates vary dependent upon the travel season.
** Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out on the same day to save on expenditures.

This forcasted cost is good for the 71328 zip code and the majority of Buckeye, Barron, Big Island, Hickory Grove, Holloway and Rapides Parish.

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