Seth Knorr is a family-friendly comedian whose topics center on current noteworthy events; relationships; raising kids; thought-provoking topics and everyday experiences. The extensive array of topics let everybody in the audience to have a nice night! See Seth's complete bio.
Get a free estimate of expenses from the Clean & Funny Comedy Agency for a featured Christian comedian that resides in Smith County by filling out this performance estimation form. The agencies estimation on travel expenses will be much less than the below travel estimation to have Seth perform, because the agencies comedian will be local.
This page gives an itemized estimation of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Lebanon, KS.
These are usual travel costs and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$119.00 - $178.50
$46.32 - $128.30
(Above rental cost reflect the sum of the rental charge, plus miles and expected gas usage.)
Airfare (Frontier to Denver International)
$262.00 - $498.00
Total Projection
$427.32 - $804.80
This projected fee assumes: * This projected fee assumes a current gas price of $2.07. * Travel rate calculations assume a usual performance with one overnight stay. * The following listed travel costs are only guesstimates and may change determined by travel dates. * Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out on the same day to save on fees.
This projection is correct for the 66952 zip code and most of Bellaire and Smith County.