Seth Knorr is a Christian, family-friendly, standup comedian with material that focuses on current happenings; relationships; babies; unconventional topics and common experiences. The comprehensive assortment of material enables everybody present to have a pleasant night! View Seth's entire biography.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Hometown, IL with this show quote page.
Calculate customary travel charges in towns & cities next to Hometown, IL:
Get a free estimate of expenses from Clean and Funny Booking for a comedian that works clean who's residing in Cook County by filling out this show quote page. This agency represents local comedians, which will save money on the travel costs estimated below.
Here is a estimated calculation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Hometown, IL.
These are ordinary travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.
Accommodations (Generally TownePlace Suites Chicago Lombard)
$75.00 - $249.00
$54.47 - $94.78
(Rental fee listed above reflect the sum of the rental car rate, plus mileage and likely amount of gas needed)
Plane Trip (American to Lambert-St Louis International)
$67.00 - $328.00
Total Forcasted
$196.47 - $671.78
This estimated charge assumes: * This estimated charge references a local gas price per gallon at $3.26. * All travel projection expenses assume a normal overnight stay * All travel expenditures are only guesstimates and may differ based on time of year. * When possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on expenditures.
This forcasted charge is also good for the 60456 zip code and the majority of Oak Lawn and Cook County.