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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Effingham, Illinois

Seth is a Christian stand-up comedian with subject mater which entails current events; married life; children; strange topics and everyday experiences. The varied assortment of subject mater enables everybody to have a fun experience! View full biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Effingham, IL through this performance quote form.

Current estimation of travel charges that are customary for neighboring towns and cities of Effingham, IL:
  1. Shumway, IL
  2. Beecher City, IL
  3. Stewardson, IL
  4. Mode, IL
  5. Shelbyville, IL
  6. Altamont, IL
  7. Watson, IL
  8. Montrose, IL
  9. Sigel, IL
  10. Teutopolis, IL

Get an estimate of expenses from Clean & Funny Comedy Booking for a comedian that lives in Effingham County by filling out this performance quote form. The cost estimated by the agency for a local comedian will be a cost savings compared to the travel charges estimated below.

Here is a detailed guestimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Effingham, IL. These are normal travel charges and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel (Generally Fairfield Inn & Suites Effingham)$109.00 - $163.50
Rental Car$35.15 - $84.00
(Rental car fee listed above denote a combination of the rental car rate, plus mileage and probable gas usage)
Plane Ride (American to Lambert-St Louis International)$67.00 - $328.00
Total Guestimation$211.15 - $575.50

This projected fee assumes:
** This projected fee references a current gas price of $3.46.
** Guesstimations of travel fees assume a regular event & 1 overnight stay.
** These travel costs are only guesstimates and will vary determined by travel dates.
** Schedule permitting, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on costs.

This guestimation is valid for the 62401 zip code and much of Blue Point, Boggsville, Douglas, Funkhouser, Green Creek, Heartville, Lake Sara, Lillyville, Northmore Heights, Park Hills, Saint Marys and Shelby County.

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