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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in McCammon, Idaho

Seth Knorr's a Christian stand-up comedian whose jokes involve news related events; relationships; parenting kids; unconventional topics and normal life occurrences. The varied variety of jokes enable everybody in the audience to have a nice experience! See Seth's entire biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in McCammon, ID with our engagement quotation form.

Discover current travel expenditures that are customary to towns/cities in the backyard of McCammon, ID:

This page is a detailed guestimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in McCammon, ID. These are regular travel rates and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel$92 - $119
Rental Car$38.89 - $86.35
(The above rental fee embody the sum of the rental car rate, plus mileage and projected gas usage.)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Salt Lake City International)$365.00 - $468.00
Total Estimated$495.89 - $673.35

This projected fee assumes:
* This projected fee assumes a local gas price of $2.27.
* Calculations of travel charges assume a standard function with one overnight stay.
* Travel rates are only projections and will differ based on time of year.
* Schedule permitting, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on fees.

This estimated fee is accurate for the 83250 zip code and much of Bannock County.

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