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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in King Hill, Idaho

Seth Knorr's a clean, family-friendly, stand-up comedian with subject mater which is comprised of news related events; married life; babies; unconventional topics and daily life experiences. The wide variety of subject mater lets all in attendance to have an enjoyable experience! See complete biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in King Hill, ID through this performance estimate page.

Current expenditures that are customary for travel to towns and cities a short distance from King Hill, ID:
  1. Glenns Ferry, ID
  2. Hammett, ID
  3. Bliss, ID
  4. Gooding, ID
  5. Hagerman, ID
  6. Grand View, ID
  7. Mountain Home A F B, ID
  8. Buhl, ID
  9. Jerome, ID
  10. Wendell, ID

Here is an itemized guestimate of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in King Hill, ID. These are customary travel fees and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Lodging$84 - $109.00
Rental Car$64.50 - $154.16
(Rental fee above represent the sum of the rental car price, plus miles and expected gas usage)
Airfare (Delta to Reno/Tahoe International)$67.00 - $426.00
Total Forcasted$215.50 - $689.16

This projection assumes:
** This projection references a current gas price per gallon at $2.33.
** Travel fee guesstimations assume a normal event in one day and a two day trip.
** Travel expenses are only estimates and will differ based on time of year.

This forcasted cost is also accurate for the 83633 zip code and most of Elmore County.

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