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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Ellis, Idaho

Seth's a clean, family-friendly, standup comedian whose jokes cover current happenings; marriage; parenting kids; fascinating topics and normal life experiences. The varied assortment of jokes enable all in attendance to have an enjoyable experience! View Seth's entire biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Ellis, ID by filling out the booking quotation form.

Discover travel expenses that are customary in cities and towns right next to Ellis, ID:
  1. Challis, ID
  2. Clayton, ID
  3. May, ID
  4. Lemhi, ID
  5. Tendoy, ID
  6. Mackay, ID
  7. Stanley, ID
  8. Cobalt, ID
  9. Ketchum, ID
  10. Sun Valley, ID

This page gives an itemized estimation of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Ellis, ID. These are usual travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel$101 - $151.50
Car$58.68 - $96.82
(The above car fee denote a combination of the rental car charge, plus mileage and probable gas usage.)
Plane Trip (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Projection$226.68 - $629.32

This guestimation assumes:
** This guestimation references a local gas price of $2.12.
** Travel charge estimations assume a routine function in one day with a two day trip.
** Charges will vary determined by travel dates.
** If possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on expenditures.

This projection is also correct for the 83235 zip code and much of Lemhi County.

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