Seth's a clean, family-friendly, standup comedian whose jokes cover current happenings; marriage; parenting kids; fascinating topics and normal life experiences. The varied assortment of jokes enable all in attendance to have an enjoyable experience! View Seth's entire biography.
This page gives an itemized estimation of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Ellis, ID.
These are usual travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$101 - $151.50
$58.68 - $96.82
(The above car fee denote a combination of the rental car charge, plus mileage and probable gas usage.)
Plane Trip (American to Spokane International)
$67.00 - $381.00
Total Projection
$226.68 - $629.32
This guestimation assumes: ** This guestimation references a local gas price of $2.12. ** Travel charge estimations assume a routine function in one day with a two day trip. ** Charges will vary determined by travel dates. ** If possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on expenditures.
This projection is also correct for the 83235 zip code and much of Lemhi County.