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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Elk River, Idaho

Seth is a Christian, clean, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose topics entail news related events; marriage; parenting kids; thought-provoking topics and common life occurrences. The varied range of topics enable everyone to have a pleasurable experience! View full biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Elk River, ID with our performance submission form.

Estimation of current customary travel rates to neighboring cities and towns next to Elk River, ID:

This page is a calculation of travel expenses to book a Christian comedian in Elk River, ID. These are normal travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel$109.00 - $163.50
Car$43.17 - $110.52
(The above fee represent the sum of the rental payment, plus miles and gas.)
Plane Trip (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Estimated$219.17 - $655.02

This estimated charge assumes:
** This estimated charge assumes a local gas price of $2.34.
** Guesstimation of travel expenditures assume a standard event in one day with a two day trip.
** The listed travel fees are only guesstimates and will vary determinate on dates and time of travel.

This estimated charge is also accurate for the 83827 zip code and much of Clearwater County.

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