Seth Knorr is a Christian, clean, family-friendly, stand-up comedian whose topics cover current events; marriage; parenting kids; fascinating topics and everyday life experiences. The extensive range of topics let everyone present to have a nice time! See Seth's complete bio.
Here is an itemized estimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Ashton, ID.
These are customary travel fees and may be higher or lower than projected.
$99 - $179
Car Rental
$47.78 - $91.26
(Rental car fee above reflect the rental rate, plus miles and projected gas usage)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Salt Lake City International)
$365.00 - $468.00
Total Estimated
$511.78 - $738.26
This guestimation assumes: ** This guestimation references a local gas price of $2.22. ** Travel expenditure calculations assume a normal performance in 1 day and a 2 day trip. ** Rates may vary determined by travel dates.
This estimated expenditure is valid for the 83420 zip code and most of Drummond, Lamont, Marysville, Warm River and Fremont County.