Find a Christian comedian in Tripler Army Medical Ctr, Hawaii
Seth is a Christian stand-up comedian whose jokes cover current noteworthy events; marriage; babies; wacky topics and common experiences. The extensive range of jokes allow all in the audience to have a delightful experience! View Seth's complete biography.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Tripler Army Medical Ctr, HI by filling out the show quotation form.
Estimate of customary rates for travel in neighboring cities and towns in close proximity to Tripler Army Medical Ctr, HI:
Below is a estimated calculation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Tripler Army Medical Ctr, HI.
These are common travel expenses and may be higher or lower than projected.
$89.00 - $151.30
$25.00 - $72.00
(Above fee embody the sum of the rental fee, plus mileage and gas usage.)
Plane Trip (US Airlines to Honolulu International)
$67.00 - $836.00
Total Projected
$181.00 - $1,059.30
This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.86.
* All travel projection fees assume a normal function in one day and a two day trip.
* Travel charges change depending on the travel season and the day of the week.
This projected expenditure is good for the 96859 zip code and much of Honolulu County.