Seth Knorr's a Christian, clean, family-friendly, comedian whose themes contain current noteworthy events; married life; kids; bizarre topics and daily experiences. The extensive array of themes allow everyone in attendance to have a nice experience! Read Seth's full biography.
Hire a Christian Comedian in Cedaredge, CO through our booking page.
Estimate of current expenses for travel that are customary for neighboring towns/cities closest to Cedaredge, CO:
There is a standup comedian that resides in Delta County. To Obtain a cost quote from the Clean & Funny Comedy Agency, fill out this booking page. Since they represent comedians local to Cedaredge, Colorado, working with this agency will cost less on the travel expenses estimated below.
Here is a projection of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Cedaredge, CO.
These are average travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.
$68 - $109.00
Car Rental
$47.92 - $87.69
(The above rental car cost embody the sum of the rental rate, plus mileage and probable gas usage.)
Plane (Frontier to Salt Lake City International)
$365.00 - $468.00
Total Projection
$480.92 - $664.69
This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a local gas price per gallon at $2.17.
* Calculations of travel costs assume a routine function in 1 day & a 2 day trip.
* Travel expenditures are only estimates and will differ determined by travel dates.
This projection is good for the 81413 zip code and much of Delta County.