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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Mount Wilson, California

Seth Knorr's a Christian, family-friendly, standup comedian whose subject mater consists of current events; relationships; raising kids; bizarre topics and routine life experiences. The wide array of subject mater enables everyone in attendance to have a pleasant experience! Read complete bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Mount Wilson, CA through our appearance request page.

Calculate customary travel expenses to neighboring cities & towns next to Mount Wilson, CA:

There is a stand-up comedian that works clean that's located in Los Angeles County. To Get a free estimate of expenses from the Clean and Funny Comedy Agency, fill out this appearance request page. The agencies quote on travel charges will be a big cost savings compared to the below travel quote to have Seth perform, because the agencies comedian will be local.

This page is a estimated calculation of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Mount Wilson, CA. These are median travel charges and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Lodging (Generally SpringHill Suites Los Angeles LAX/Manhattan Beach)$101.00 - $299.00
Rental Car$23.87 - $78.05
(The above rental cost reflect the rental car fee, plus mileage and gas needed.)
Plane (Delta to Bob Hope)$67.00 - $263.00
Total Projected$191.87 - $640.05

This projected fee assumes:
** This projected fee assumes a local gas price of $2.93.
** Travel expenditures estimated to assume a standard overnight stay
** All expenses are only projections and may change determinate on dates and time of travel.
** If possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on expenses.

This projected fee is also correct for the 91023 zip code.

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