Find a Christian comedian in Cotton Plant, Arkansas
Seth's a family-friendly comedian whose themes involve news related events; married life; babies; unconventional topics and daily life occurrences. The comprehensive range of themes enable everybody to have a pleasant experience! View Seth's entire biography.
Obtain a cost estimate from the Clean and Funny Comedy Booking Agency for a stand-up comedian that works clean who is located in Woodruff County by filling out this event estimate form. This agency represents comedians local to Cotton Plant, AR, which can save money on the travel fees estimated below.
This page gives an itemized guestimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Cotton Plant, AR.
These are usual travel rates and may be higher or lower than guestimated.
$79.00 - $124.00
$43.62 - $111.24
(The above listed car cost represent the rental charge, plus mileage and likely gas usage.)
Plane Ride (American to Lambert-St Louis International)
$67.00 - $328.00
Total Estimation
$189.62 - $563.24
This estimated charge assumes:
* This estimated charge assumes a local gas price per gallon at $2.079.
* Calculations of travel rates assume a normal event in one day & a two day trip.
* These rates are only guesstimates and may change based on time of year.
* If possible, Seth will travel in and out on the same day to save on fees.
This estimation is good for the 72036 zip code and most of Maberry and Woodruff County.